Cat Zhang

Hey, I’m Cat! I cover cul­ture (books, TV, movies, plays, and mu­sic) at New York Magazine’s The Cut. Previously I was an as­so­ci­ate ed­i­tor at Pitchfork, where I edited re­views and wrote widely across the site. In 2022, I re­ceived the American Society of Magazine Editors’ Next Award for Journalists Under 30.

For work-re­lated re­quests, you can reach me at cat.zhang @ ny­
For any­thing else — chit-chat, links, jokes, ad­vice, events … i’m open! — per­pet­u­al­novice0 @

Select clips be­low:

An image of Cat Zhang wearing a shirt that reads "Not tonight, dear...I've got a deadline"

Essays and Features


Profiles / Interviews

Scene Reports


I’ve been a guest on the New York Times’ Popcast, NPRs All Things Considered, Slate’s ICYMI, Vulture’s Switched on Pop, and the Pitchfork Review. Netflix sub­scribers can find me on sea­son 3, episode 11 of the Vox do­cuseries Explained.